Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why You Should Be Nice to English Majors

When this semester is over,I will have written over sixty pages worth of type. Oh my lanta.

My to-do list for the next week and a half:
Finish 8 page essay (Shakespeare-Henry IV parts 1 and 2, and Henry V)
Write 10-page essay (Little Women combo with The Blithedale Romance)
Write 8 page essay (Worldview of Dreiser-Sister Carrie)
Write 4 page essay (Latino Lit-The Fringe World)
Write 8 page essay (Shakespeare-The Merchant of Venice)

I will be feeling very triumphant once this is all over.

1 comment:

Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

Have fun with that! At least you live in the era of PC's, and don't have to use a typewriter.