Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Flawed System

Can you count on people? I mean, really count on them?

Right now I'm not so sure. My roommate bailed on me....we're supposed to be guarding the bedroom together (our other housemate is completely psycho) but she left because of a phone call with some unfortunate news. We thought our university would help us with this situation, but hey, guess what? They, like our landlord, like the cops, are doing absolutely nothing.

Let me repeat that. They are doing NOTHING.

This wouldn't be a problem if my housemate wasn't a passive-aggressive OCD freakshow who has threatened physical violence and tried to get us arrested for keeping the house temperature below seventy-eight degrees.

I really wish that justice would be served here. But it won't be. I am more and more convinced that the bad guys win most of the time. That's so just...wrong.

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