Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's contagious, oh no!!

Yeah. So my life's been crazy lately. I said I was an English major, yeah? I thought so. Anyway, that means that about halfway through the semester my life gets taken over by papers, quizzes, and exams. If I'm really unlucky, I'll have the dreaded "mid-terms."

For those of you that don't know, the "mid-terms" is a viral disease inflicted upon you by certain professors infected with the "2-tests-per-year" infection. Once infected, you will lose the ability to sleep, feel tense 24/7, and feel compelled to consume horrendous quantities of caffeine. The good news? The symptoms only persist a few weeks.

My time is really limited at the moment. Mid-terms and exams are almost over for me, and I'll be posting regularly again soon. Until then, be sure not to expose yourself to the "mid-terms" virus!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay for being an online student!!! hehehe